Tuesday 27 January 2009

Back to the shop floor

This evening I was at the Panasonic Broadcast Burns night, which was a great chance to see all of the people I haven't managed to since leaving Unit. And being Panasonic, it was a room full of people who truly believe in a tapeless, data driven future. 

Aaah, the bliss!

However, what was more fascinating was a discussion that came around about going "back to the shop floor" - and not in the sense of the very bad television series of the same name.

I am a fundamental believer in the fact that, if you don't understand how your staff interact with your customers every day, on the most basic level, how can you understand the best way to move your business forward?

Your runners (in a facility) are therefore your most valuable asset. Likewise your drivers in a delivery business, or your techs in a support business.

Yet how many Managing Directors have taken the time to go and deliver something un-announced or answered a callout to a client?

With the blessing(or curse) of looking a bit fresh faced (understatement) for my position - I had the privilege of being mistaken on occasion for a runner rather than the CEO. And I learnt so much from those encounters about how our clients interacted with the company. 

Whether I carried those things I learnt out, is my failing, but at least I and those around me knew about them.

But I encountered this evening every excuse - however valid - as to why the MD's I met couldn't do it. And to my mind that is an awful thing.

Surely the rules are simple:

1) Know your customer

2) Know your customer

3) You get the picture

If those customers interact with your product/service at many removes from you, then it is your duty as CEO/MD owner/investor to know how that interaction bears on how they view your company.

Here endeth the lesson. 

Now if only I could practice what I preach..



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