Monday 12 January 2009

Press Release - New Beginnings

Dear All,

As of Monday the 12th of January 2009, I have resigned from Unit Post Production:

I'm pursuing some some new ideas I've had for a while that aren't necessarily suitable to carry out in Unit.

Here's the press release: 

David Peto has resigned as CEO of Unit and has sold his shares in Unit to the continuing shareholders. He intends to use this capital, together with other funding, to set up a new company in the media space which will be announced in due course. David said: “Being CEO of a start up is exciting, rewarding and daunting. I have enjoyed it and I am extremely proud of what I, and my partners in Unit have achieved. I am looking forward to using my expertise and I now think that the current difficult climate is going to throw up some fascinating new challenges and opportunities, one of which I have been considering for some months. I now have an opportunity to have a larger share holding in, as well as being CEO of, a new and exciting venture.”
This page will be updated immediately with further details, but in the meantime, thank you to all who have supported Unit and myself over the last three years.
As soon as I am able I will be releasing details of future plans.
In the meantime, please contact me on:
All the best,


David Peto
12th January 2009


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