Wednesday 14 January 2009

Its in the press....

Well, its all out in the open and the phone has been buzzing. Its virtually a carbon copy of the release that was sent out. 

(The title of this post is a link to the article.)

I never quite thought that my leaving somewhere would merit a headline story, but apparently it does. I guess the moral is - if you want press coverage - quit!

Might be a bit limited in number of times though...

I'm writing this from a little restaurant called De Santis in Old Street, right opposite the small office where Unit was dreamed up - a random coincidence due to a meeting happening across the street, and it's great to see Enzo the owner again. We once worked out that we lost him six grand in custom when we moved from here to Soho. No wonder he seemed pleased to see me.

Only dampener is that my Iphone has decided that picking up email is no longer what it wants to do, so just when I want to make sure I'm contactable, I'm not.



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