Saturday 17 January 2009


During my time at Unit I thought I had learned something - at the very least how to create a post production facility based on the very best of breed technology.

However, what I've really come to realise over this week is that I have had a baptism of fire in business and everything that entails.

I had a meeting with a brilliantly successful young company today and in the process realised that I had actually had ready answers for their current problems. 

They couldn't decide who would be CEO - they couldn't decide what to do with a non performing member of staff. Between them both they are an awesome team, and with the right guidance their company will be a huge success.

Beyond that - its in their hands.

But the incredible thing is that three of years of hard graft qualifies me to give them advice that they actively want to follow.

I suddenly feel remarkably privileged to be able to dispense that.

Not that I'm going to drop my consultancy fee or anything...


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