Monday 26 January 2009


Okay, so I have to come clean. It should come as no surprise that I actually have not got a part in Eastenders.

This came about because it actually was a rumour that I heard had been going round - I got called by someone asking if it was true.. So, since it made a nice change to - "are you starting a facility?" I thought it would be a more pleasant thing to talk about. So I decided to fan the flames a little.

And it was fun. To those who congratulated me - thank you so much. I really started to believe I was Ricky's long lost brother who'd made good and had a story line as Dot's lover.. *shudder*

However, reality isn't that exciting (or hideous for that matter).

So, whilst this has been going on, I've been musing on the theme of responsibility. Was fanning the rumour a responsible thing to do? Well, when its just you - at least only you can come a cropper from anything backfiring.

But then you can look at it another way. I always believed that the height of responsibility was running a company. After all, you have the livelihoods of all of your staff in your hands, and what greater responsibility could there be - the decisions you make could cost them their jobs, and the environment in which they work is where they spend more time than anywhere else.

You also have the responsibility to your shareholders and clients, which are also a burden on anyone.

But what I've come to realise in the past couple of weeks is that all of this means nothing unless you are responsible for yourself.

Now that probably seems like some trite saying, but I've come to believe that unless you are able to stand up and make decisions for your benefit, and stick by them, how can you do them for other people?

A company is like a safety blanket - its why leaving to go it alone is always so tough - whether you are the receptionist or the person who started it! There's always someone to run ideas by, someone who's going to know that you haven't dealt with something, or someone to say well done. 

When you are back on your own, you suddenly are acutely aware of what a vital role that plays in your life. I guess that is why so many businesses start as partnerships. 

The last two weeks have been a flurry of activity, but looking ahead I can see how easily you can start to lose momentum and inspiration if you don't keep being responsible.

Ridiculously, that responsibility comes down to basic choices. Sit in front of the computer and write a document you know won't be much fun - or play with  the cat? 

It's only ten minutes, it won't really matter will it? 

Well, I can tell you - it does. 

I've been offered an opportunity to present a internet TV channel on entrepreneurship and business, which I'm seriously looking forward to. I can run through in my mind exactly what I want to say to other people thinking or trying to start their own company. 

But my god it can be hard to make yourself do it!

So, this week I shall mostly be... not playing with the cat, and lining up more meetings.

Oh and writing those documents.

Hope everyone is well - and thanks to Paul Robson at Medialease for organizing the table at the broadcast awards - it was fun.

And to the person from a facility who came up, patted me on the back and then shoved their business card in the front of my dinner jacket - not really the best approach..


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